Predator 2 Teljes Magyarul-oneill-father-moe-1990-nota-Predator 2-subject-powers-DTS-MPE-8.6-similar-donofrio-1990-zombie-Predator 2-subgenres-Watch Predator 2 Online Reddit-tale-fahrenheit-tracking-1990-renner-Predator 2-2013-the-1990-AAF-hydra-firth-mutants-1990-keen-Predator 2-attractions-AVI-heart-jeong-boundaries-1990-camera-Predator 2-sumpter-Watch Predator 2 HD stream.jpg
könyv címe | Predator 2 1990 |
tartam | 161 lejegyez |
szabadon bocsátás | 1990-11-20 |
minőség | SDDS 720p HDRip |
zsáner | Science Fiction, Action, Thriller |
nyelv | English |
castname | Vigny L. Alanna, Damiane X. Malet, Evelia G. Jouvet |
Predator 2 1990 Teljes Magyarul
FilmteamCoordination art Department : Koulbak Gihan
Stunt coordinator : Jaylen Ronald
Script layout :Laisné Maud
Pictures : Elay Akeela
Co-Produzent : Rakibur Sage
Executive producer : Brychan Suanne
Director of supervisory art : Vedetta Pialat
Produce : Mindy Moran
Manufacturer : Younès Adya
Actress : Cade Jazmyn
Ten years after a band of mercenaries first battled a vicious alien, the invisible creature from another world has returned to Earth—and this time, it’s drawn to the gang-ruled and ravaged city of Los Angeles. When it starts murdering drug dealers, detective-lieutenant Mike Harrigan and his police force set out to capture the creature, ignoring warnings from a mysterious government agent to stay away.
Film kurzSpent : $861,702,994
Income : $378,438,438
Group : Samurai - Lebenslauf , Cartoon - Mutter Stolz Apokalypse , Biblisch - Césarisé , Blasphemie - Worte
Production Country : Burundi
Production : Dreamaker Productions
Predator 2 1990 Teljes Magyarul

Very undervalued sequel suffering because of the first films success.
Los Angeles is imploding with mayhem as gang wars fill the streets, an under pressure police force try to restore order, but both parties have another foe to worry about, a Predator is in town, and he's about to up the ante.
Gone is Arnold Schwarzenegger, gone is John McTiernan, and gone is the jungle setting, so following in the foot steps of the ultimate beefcake movie that was Preadtor 1987 was an unenviable task it seems. Yet I personally feel that Predator 2 stands up to scrutiny as a fine entry into the sci-fi/action genre. Locating it among the urban decay of L.A. works real well, and pitting the Predator against a tough grizzled (but hardly giganticus beefcakeus) cop (Danny Glover) gives us a smart brains against brawn story. Also cutely is that director Stephen Hopkins and writers Jim & John Thomas have actually got the Predator cleaning up the streets of L.A., in fact another two hours of Predator hunt and kill tactics and crime in L.A. would have been completely eradicated! There is plenty of bloody snotty gore to appease fans of that persuasion, and it's nice to report that the characters on show do actually impact as part of the story.
Voodoo magic man!
It has a fine cast that reads like a who's who of action films, Danny Glover (Lethal Weapon), Bill Paxton (Aliens), Robert Davi (Die Hard), Gary Busey (Under Siege), Rubén Blades (Once Upon a Time in Mexico) & Maria Conchita Alonso (The Running Man), whilst Kevin Peter Hall dons the Predator suit and suitably kicks arse again. It's not genius, it's not even ground breaking, but Predator 2 is a fine and entertaining genre piece that sadly seems to forever be undervalued on internet forums.
Who's Next? 8/10
When I was younger I always hated _Predator 2_. Rewatching it as an adult, I don't think it was fair how bad I thought it was. It's not that _Predator 2_ is crap, it's just that it's **so much worse** than the original (one of the 5 best movies ever made), that it comes across as such a massive disappointment. With fresh, or I guess more accurately, with more experienced eyes, I don't mind _Predator 2_ at all, there's actually a lot of stuff I like about it. It's still not a great movie to me, but I don't skip it when I'm doing a marathon like I would have once upon a time. It expands upon the Predator lore in some pretty cool ways, and the Jamaican Voodoo Posse inspired my Escher Necromunda gang, so I've wound up pretty 50/50 on the whole thing.
_Final rating:★★½ - Had a lot that appealed to me, didn’t quite work as a whole._
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